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11 & 12 September, 2019

The Rag Army & Navy Club

London, UK

5th London Gas & LNG Forum 2018 Distinguished Speakers Include

Register Now!


Secure your place to the most exclusive gas and LNG event in London!

6th London Gas & LNG Forum 2019 Overview

Since its inception the London Gas & LNG Forum has been established as the most exclusive gas and LNG event in London. It is a unique commercial platform that brings together American and European energy leaders, investors, and government decision makers aiming to provide market intelligence and access to top decision makers. The London Forum is a private, closed door, off the record, non-attribution, and non-dissemination meeting.

U.S. Energy Stream organizes the 6th London Gas & LNG Forum 2019 on 11 & 12 September, 2019, at The Rag Army & Navy Club, London, U.K.

This year’s focus is on the European gas market competition and energy security, European natural gas infrastructure, US LNG exports, and their impact to the Eurasian gas markets. Europe aims to secure its gas supplies from traditional and new suppliers of natural gas. The United States aims to promote its LNG exports to the global markets. Europe being the largest gas market in the world is attracting competition. Traditional and new gas pipeline suppliers to Europe have to complete with rising global LNG exports

A great opportunity in marketing your company with the benefit of targeting the gas and oil Industry Leaders

Become a Partner to the 6th London Gas & LNG Forum 2019



  • Network with the oil and gas industry's key decision makers and regional players


  • Promote your company to an international audience and raise your profile within the Mediterranean region.

  • Meet with senior members of governments and businesses in the oil & gas industry.

  • Gain insight into the thinking of ministers, policy-makers, oil and gas leaders regarding challenges & opportunities in the Mediterranean oil & gas industry.

  • Partner an event at a most critical point in time for developments in the Mediterranean oil and gas Industry

For further information about our Partnership Opportunities please contact:

Peggy Livanios
Executive Director

U.S. Energy Stream, Inc.
T  +1 202 362 1021
M +1 202 717 3100



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U.S. Energy Stream, Inc.
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Energy Stream CMG GmbH

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202 717 3100

Houston, TX
U.S. Energy Stream, Inc.

700 Louisiana Street, Suite 3950 Houston, TX 77002

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